Little Girl is a collection of work created during the midst of personal turmoil in my life. I find myself unraveling who I once knew myself to be in order to become the person who will move forward in my life. Vernacular photographs and personal journal excerpts intertwined with recently taken self-portraiture via collage work represent this change through the juxtaposition of one year old me and my current self. I also investigate how my environment plays a role into this disconnect I feel with myself through past memories in New York City. Geometric compositions are used to explore themes of identity, self-love, childhood innocence, memories and growth. The collages continue to become more convoluted and distant from a sterile composition to represent the increasing amount of challenges that accompany the transition from adolescence to adulthood. The title Little Girl questions if the nickname given to the young girl photographed still has the ability to identify the same girl years later. The presentation of this body of work aimed to replicate the nostalgic feeling of a memory board commonly found mounted on the wall of a girl’s bedroom.

Little Girl